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Welicron Life Sciences

We are a pharmaceutical company that manufactures and markets affordable specialty medicines that comply with global standards. We strive to achieve market leadership in domestic and international markets.

Our mission is to make specialty medicines accessible to all, regardless of their ability to pay. We believe that everyone should have access to the medications they need to live a healthy life.

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We achieve this commitment through a number of initiatives, including

We are committed to achieving market leadership in both domestic and international markets. We believe that by achieving market leadership, we can have a greater impact on the health and well-being of people around the world.


The launch of a generic version of long-awaited complex blockbuster drug, Glatiramer Acetate in the USA market has catapulted the company to the next orbit in terms of its capability and credibility as a niche player in pharmaceutical sector.

Product Offerings

Our products cover three main markets; international formulations, domestic formulations and APIs. Within these areas we are leaders in generic oncology and are taking steps to expand therapeutic segments with a continued focus on niche products.

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Founder Message

Welicron Lifesciences boasts a leadership team with a combination of pharmaceutical industry experience and professional management skills, a critical factor in navigating the complex pharmaceutical landscape. We adopts a decentralized decision-making approach to promote accountability, encourage innovation, and streamline the decision-making process by empowering employees at various levels. We values our employees' trust and ensures it's reciprocated with fairness, creating a positive work culture that fosters loyalty, motivation, and increased productivity.

We prides itself on an exciting and empowering work culture that attracts top talent, boosts morale, and enhances job satisfaction.

Welicron Lifesciences showcases its commitment to a well-rounded management approach, prioritizing employee well-being and a positive work environment, an unwavering focus on quality and research, and the ambition to establish itself as a leading player in the pharmaceutical industry. These principles collectively contribute to the company's vision of long-term success and excellence.